after a day's work, it was over...for now
met nice aunty and uncle
they treated us so nice
i wouldn't forget them
they also gave us a keychain each
and gave us free ice-cream
singapore river is so nice!
holiday has just started yeah!
but i have a lot of events lined up for this june holiday
busy month again
so far, only english paper 1 haven't take back.
the only papers i have failed were english paper 2, social studies and that's all i think
it's hello to parent-teacher meeting again!
it seems that i can't pass my english
i think my foundation for english is very weak
i guess it's gone for me...
lucky, i passed geography
i didn't take the previous class assignment
i thought i had failed
thank goodness
therefore, i passed combined humanities by one mark
it seems like i am standing on a cliff...falling off at any point of time
why is it that so many people are emo-ing?
i don't like this scene
i am also emo-ing
sore throat
well, at least i don't crap too much
oops, still got homework
today went raffles convention for canon powershot seminar
first, ate at new york new york
then the seminar
after that shopping
happy happy went home
the end....
i was so blur just now
just saw a blog
feels sad for her...
even though she did this to us
i don't blame amyone for this
everyone has different viewpoints of one another
if someone were to be blame for,
i rather that someone to be me.
i feel
yeah yeah yeah
actually should post yesterday but i forgot.
hehe happy happy day awaits me!
MYE were over just yesterday.
nothing much to post.
so tata~
today went to palau ubin.
the changi ferry port was damn crowded.
some pictures i took:

a vessel travelling passed me

the trail...

the sea...


a cicada...right?
some pictures i took on 29.04:

my twin...


regular hawaiian pan pizza...
the food are my dinner. i had a full dinner and was contented...
also have present but did not take them., sorry.