Monday, April 13, 2009

this are some photographs taken by mrs dan
i wll not talk much
need to prepare for tuition
today was unlucky for me
firstly, the competition didn't go well, as we have expected it to be.
secondly, my phone have gone haywire.
i can't hear what people are talking through the phone.
thirdly and most importantly, I LOST MY BEAR POUCH!
i was in a frantic boarding up the bus.
only when i was on the bus, a bus stop away, then i realised i dropped my pouch.
fourth, on the bus, me and xueting ''met'' a strange old guy.
he was so oh-my-god disgusting, splitting into a can and talking to me.
i don't even understand what he was talking,
neither did i give a damn to him.
lastly, my left leg hurts!
it is cramping currently.
my pouch
bear bear...(in the midst of mourning and emo-ing)
bear bear, i will miss you no mattter what
and i will find(buy) your clone no matter what!