i just finish the ace learning for elementary mathematics
and i spotted something that i want to object violently
in the question, x + 20 ≤ -2
but in the answer, the first step was x + 20 ≥ -2
what is wrong with the setter?
didn't she see the error?
i want my one mark back!
that one mark is very important to me
i believe that others also have got this wrong
but in fact, they are correct.
i want to scream at her!
anyway, i still have homework for geography, social studies, english, additional and elementary mathematics and chinese
i am only left with until sunday to complete
still, i need to meet up with josiah and xueting tomorrow
as well as martin, sylvia and yeeling
and also porntep and grace on saturday
how to finish my homework
anyone has any brilliant suggestion?
today got back term 1 progress report
this was the worst result i have gotten in my secondary life
the total L1R5 added up overshot twenty
still need to go for parent- teacher meeting to see my parent and get back my card
so troublesome
i hate this result
but i can't help it
is not that i want to fail
i tried hard to pass the test
but i still failed!
i think i should let the nature takes its course
if i were to get retain
then so be it
i don't care already
the school pressure is building at a pace too fast and high
i feel like doing something stupid
don't worry
i can resist the temptation
how i wished that life can be like secondary two
freedom, time and anything you can think of...
yeah yeah yeah
i settled down from the camping and project working
i will try to summarise what i know for each day during the camp
day onetwo major event that happened on that day is the heavy rain and the kayaking activity
the rain started to pour heavily when we were about to have lunch
due to the strong breeze, the raindrop splashed into the canteen instead
the students, trainers and some of the teacher got wet
the rain was so big that the makan cheer cannot be played
and i ate quite fast so to prevent my meal from getting wet
after lunch, it still rained but not as heavy as before
the condition wasn't to go kayaking
instead, we did preparation for campfire performance like making the class flag and cheers
we were only able to kayak after about one and a half hour later
a briefing on the safety precaution for kayaking lasted about half an hour
hence we left only two hour to kayak in the rain
it was quite fun to kayak
although there was a bit of capsizing and tough gliding through the water
we had two rounds of tally match from 3e1 to 3e3
my class won both rounds
then we went showering, ate dinner and had blind man trail
during the trail, i almost sleepwalked
at night, sleeping on the wooden platform wasn't nice
i woke up in the middle of the night three times due to the noise made by the airplanes passing
day twoi woke up at 5.45am, feeling very sleepy
but i can't continue to sleep
everyone had to assemble at 6.20 am
then we gathered for morning exercise
after the exercise, my class went to eat as we are in charge to serve breakfast
group 3e2A was in charge of the washing point while 3e2B was to serve food
i was assigned to guard the hallway which is allowed for staff and teachers only
it was quite relaxing to just stand there like a statue
after breakfast, team alpha (3e1 - 3e3) went to do the general station, teamwork activities and all those high elements
one thing i was disappointed was 3e2A was unable to do the zip line due to time constrain
the group was begging the trainer to give us play
still, it was unsuccessful and we went to do the CRC
after that, we went for shower
trainer wayne was kind to give extra ten minutes
but it was still insufficient despite splitting the group to the different toilets
it was still packed and had little time to bathe
after that was dinner and preparation for campfire
our class came out with two cheers, which i find it kind of cute
the campfire was fun
all the shouting, screaming, the fighting among the trainers and the programme they organised
though it was only two hour long i think, i still hope that the campfire can be slight longer
after the campfire, we went for debriefing
trainer zik told us a ghost story about the camp site about how ten fainted upon seeing something
and another, somewhere in singapore, about two guys entering a house and died in there
it was a bit scary though for me
then we went to have our rest
we got to sleep at 12.00 am and assembled the next day at 7.30 am
it was a reward for the good performance during the campfire
i had a good night resting, well i woke up awhile to adjust the sleeping bag
day threeit was the last day of the camping
i woke at 6.45 am with swelling muscles and serious sunburns on my hands and nose
it hurts
when i reached the washroom
it was damn DISGUSTING that you can puke out immediately
the floor was so dirty and choked
i quickly washed up and ran out of the room
then we assembled at 7.30 am
and had breakfast served by 3e5
then it was cleaning up the area
we were lucky to sweep the areas under the domes
i felt pity for the classes who washed the toilets
quite poor things
i heard that in the gents, there were undergarments, shit and condom on the floor
EWW~, disgusting
lucky it was not me
if not i will have puke out for sure
after that, we rested and waited for the bus to get back to school
not all the bus came
classes 3e2, 3e5 and 3e6 had to wait awhile for the buses
in the meantime, trainer wayne played with us ''simon says''
quite a lot of people were tricked by him
it was quite fun
soon the buses came
on the bus, a funny thing happened
mr tong suddenly called haofan behind
when he came back, he said lol
i asked mr tong what happened
he said got a man looks like him
i was there feeling a bit shocked
then we reached school and blah blah blah
then i reached home at 2.30 pm, quickly bathed and ate my lunch to meet xueting
while doing our project work, i was drinking slurpee when i saw miss seah going down to take the mrt train
i called xueting to see
''haha we saw miss seah!''
i was thinking: did she saw me
because i saw her looking upwards
never mind about it
now i have to finish my homework
so tiring
have to hang on in order to complete them
so i will stop for now
tomorrow is the sec 3 camp
i have only 70% of my items packed
i still have homework which are untouched
and i am going out at 12.30 pm
i practically have no time for anything
i forgot, i am having dinner outside today
another busy day for me
why i can't have a day which is more than 24 hours
nevermind about it
there is also thinking in mind which is bothering me a lot
there is a stalker by the name of gary from 2t1
he confessed to me that he like me
i rejected him
but the funny thing is that he is willingly to wait for me
but i don't have the feeling for him
and also i don't have the time for that
i asked yeeling to help me speak things out
well, by messaging
from the conversation, she told me he is flirt
looks like i make a good decision
if things were to get out for hands
i will have to do things the hard way
can't blame me
i am forced to do it
why every year there's always something that troubles me
my life is so bitter...
i think i go and prepare myself to go out
so bye bye~
today was a busy day for me
in the morning at about 10.50 am
i met yeeling at the road junction with my mother
firstly, we went for a hair cutting at my mother's friend's house

that was the photo before i went out of my house
it was also the last photo with my long, messy yet beautiful hair
when we reached there, i was the first to cut my hair

in that photo, that is the amount of hair cut
looking at the pile of hair makes me sad
it will be long before my hair grow back to that length
it's goodbye to my hair
so, how do i look with my new hair style
nothing much actually
especially i layered my hair
does the pair of spectacles looked familiar
i wore yeeling's spectacle...
well, for the fun of wearing

vice versa, she wore mine
also for the same reason
after that, yeeling went to layer her hair
the barber said that her hair, no matter how much she cut, it will curl
i find it somehow cute
that means she don't need to perm her hair
after that, we went to a nearby hawker centre to eat fish soup
i love the fish soup there
the soup is so refreshing
we headed for hougang mall
trying to buy items for our camp
however, in return, my mother went to buy a pair of shoe
then, we went to my dental for my appointment

we took that at the dental
i changed the colour to pink
you will see me quite ''pink'' during the camp
then we went plaza singapura to find the items
but to no avail
we headed for our last destination, tampines giant
when we saw wenqi heading for guitar lesson
what a coincidence
she jumped up when i called her name
maybe she didn't expect to see us
haha, we took a shot while waiting for the train
at city hall station, me and yeeling waved goodbye to wenqi
we took another train to bedok
and changed to a shuttle bus
the waiting for a shuttle bus was 30 min long
i stood until i complained
my leg hurt
thank goodness the bus came
there was a journey where the road was half flooded
when the bus went over
the water splashed the pavement
the splash was supreme
it was quite big
then went to giant
and bought almost all of my stuff in the shopping list
i am still lacking of washable cutlery set, cardboard and bottles of acrylic paint(for my competition)
i have no time to do my homework
lucky there's no lesson on wednesday
looks like i have to do the homework on wednesday
which is quite tiring
right after the camp