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name: chiawing
age: 15
school: phss
others: -=D
loves: -homework-free
hates: -illness
wishes: -promoted to 4e2
: -passing o level
td after helping with miss seah at chem labmiie n yeeling decided to go mac eatden she asked mr ben comeden he cum wif a girlden i go order food for themthe meal isnt a pleasant oneall of a suddenmr jun xian comeden a guy comeden bash mr benden drag him out of macden i duno wat happenall i see is yeeling looking out of macthen i think five minute laterthe gang came backsaid sthwell i forgot wats tatthen mr ben came backten after the scenethen got all hitpoor thingden dunno what happencos i never askedthen he ask that incident got scared uswe said nopethen continued eatbut i was the only one who have appetiteothers no appetiteden got food leftthen we left mac then shoppingi just dont get itwhy, especially boysalways get in fightlike either people bash himor he bash people upfunny world we live inthen also got people like to sabotage each otherwhy ? why ? why ?why why why why why.____. ? ? ? ? ?
writtern @5:35 PM
haizlooks lik holi gona overlms hw nrt even doneduno how dodurin tis holijuz play lik siaoden very little shoppinglik nth to update lehblog dying for foodsch reopen nid to jia youcos wan to get gd resulthaiz duno how to end lik tat end la
writtern @8:54 PM
td finally hav time to blog
last whole wk
work from morn to nit
no time work
oso very tired
how my work
hand pain, sian, tired . . .
den the first two days we(yf, sy,me n yl) go grt boys oso
they very irritatin
wat the ell lor
den the third day miie n yeeling grt peace
cos they grt sack
yifang n sinyee cum bak to work wif onli on the 28.05
due to the food fair at expo
den the person-in-charge
separate miie from the rest
den thr oso grt old ppl doin
den they diao them
the old ppl oso shoot them bak
i was thr hearing the war
den after tat grt peace for the nxt few daes
den thr grt a dog called Youkie
she was so quiet
but she lik play-bite her grandma
in the end grt bullied by her grandma
by tying a rubber over mouth
funny but animal abuse my mum said
den the last day
i heard sth from the maid
Ukie one wk nvr bath
shocking indeed
no wonder she was thr scratching lik crazy
n a lot of fur drop
. . .
now no work
waiting for pay
cnt wait for pay
go buy thing thing
writtern @4:32 PM