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name: chiawing
age: 15
school: phss
others: -=D
loves: -homework-free
hates: -illness
wishes: -promoted to 4e2
: -passing o level
td sickflu ,cough & a bit feveri hope it can fasta healcos 2 more day to bdaei dun wan ltr cnt go schi dun wan miss xami wan eat pizzai wan my presentsi wan my frenssob . . .coughyeeling & sinyee bdae tmrtmr stil gt health checkvery troublesomenid wear pei stil nid to tink wat to giv to sinyee n yeelinghead burstin soonden xam cumina lot of hw givenmath, sci, geoone heap of themtd i go tuido nth thr slackincoas i cnt concentratethroat very soreanyone noe how to cure sore throat asapi wan eat pizza n bdae cake . . .
writtern @12:02 PM
mr muru he suxtink he discipline master can torture ushe so big mehhe is so 'big'last wk miss seah say those runnin can wear pe in classden td durin sci he walk pass the classn caught students in peden he tod miss seah to c him after schwonder if miss seah is okbeta nrti tink he kpoonli wear pe watno big dealwouldn't die rithe is unlucky to our classhope he fasta disappearden gdden mao xiang scold mrs singhden mrs singh scoldmini WorldWar1 happenden peace againthe war nrt nice oneso shortsome more beta=.= . . .
writtern @2:28 PM
td bad thing happen in schyifang hav printed yeeling's blogtis prove she gt steadcos she hav actin very strangebei wo cai chuan leden sylvia c itxin li tink tat yifang very jianden she chat wif herbut tod been tod offso she very sadden recess she criedden yifang thr oso nrt hapicos everyone tot sylvia cry cos off hern she tink tat sylvia is actin patheticden under my 'gd' carei manage to get sylvia n yifang 2geherden force them shake handfor peace . . .now i saw yeeling's steadhe look ok okwonder y she lik him ? ? ?u once tod miie tat u wil nrt open doors to boysnow u didu broken a promisenow i m alonefightin aginst everythingxam, bdae present, free time(if my mum nrt free)alonemy class onli less than abt 5-10% dun hav steadhaix . . .
writtern @1:59 PM
td very boredgt yifang nvr cumno one to chat xcept shannon n sylviatd the fat one ask us to do a mock compreso called to prepare us for xamin the endit turn out to b a chit chattin sessionat first he say if nvr giv wil deduct CA marksbut in the end he ask us to complete it at homewat nonsenseoso cmehe at first act tat he gt so many rightsden we all tot y he so fierceden he start the cme lessonlame actin n so fakeden go hall for briefin on xamxam on 02.05 to 08.05but gd thing is09.05 to 12.05 dun nid go schYEAH4 daes go out play lik siaocan use comcan go wild wild wetcan do anything i wansweetstil yifang sickmuz giv her hwbut nrt now dun nid lecos yeeling nvr help her tak math n geo wkshso on frilet c her scolded by mrs singhcos she muz tak for buddy(yifang) hu is sickhahagt show c(mayb nrt) . . .
writtern @1:43 PM
td sch early in mornvp cum to classcos she tink our class tokin rudely to miss seahoso she so niaomuz check under desk to c gt any bkarh .cnt standfeel lik throwin tantrumoso at chin lessonyifang cry cos her hp confiscate by the fat onebut ltr returnthnx to the mikeplay until sth happentd assembly vry sianthe mcs talk lik nobody businessbad performance . . .
writtern @1:47 PM
td in classin chinese lessonmike scold chinese cher中国狗so surprise tat she can tolerate our classfor so longn oso miss seah tel us abt her bad historyabt her parents being poorshe tod us nrt to follow themhaix . oso she nid to walk up to her staff to get our thingTWICEso funnyon the 2nd timeshe almost faintedcos she 4get take sthhaiz . very bo liaozzz .
writtern @1:55 PM
why is she so gd to miiestrangeshe should b hating nrt frenin miiebut she tod once she dun care abt wat other tok abt herytd i tok to sylviashe tod miiei myself tel her tat i m busyif she go away den tats gdif nrt she wan u to fail MYEden i say siaooso yifang say tat yeeling keep askinfrom morn til nitwat me n yifang's blog wrot abt heroso she wan miie to add her to let her c my blog(cos i put it private, onli invited can c)u noe wan m i goin to tel herlib com lag cnt do & i wil nrt b usin com until xm finishhope tat xcuse cn last as long as possibletd i go tuicher i look vry stressu noe wat she reactlaughinkanasailaugh wat laugh i was tinkinactually i m nrt stressi was bendin for so long until my body cant da hanso i har awaittats when the incident cum abti dun how to xplain to herstuipd miiehu ask my eng so bad until cnt even xplainhaix . her craziness is goin to get oversooner or ltror she do is bo liao tingswhen wil she learn to b a mature oneafter graduation i tink
writtern @12:22 PM
at sch td hav NAPFA test nid run
td is one of happy dae of miie
time: 18.28 min (very heng, passed by 2 sec )
even though happy, still nid to help ppl fail to pass
by pushin them after xm
haiz . even though leg swellin n pain
stil . more happy
now goin back to yeeling
she tod miie she create a blog
no matter i muz hunt down the blog
by hook or by crook
she td vry diaoz
in a sense tat she is starin lik thinkin of nth
weird weird weird
td at sch gt back CT3 sci
i gt 25
she gt 27
den she happy until lik siao
onli lik tat she jiu happy
so proud
i wan to her failin her xm tat dae to cum
bein proud doesn't mean ahything lors
haiz i gt pizzas to eat for lunch
gtg tata
(nid to revise oso haiz . )
writtern @1:07 PM
hav u meant any weird gurl in ur lifei donrt any weirdXTREME weirdhu is sheCHUA YEELINGshe is so fan(nosiy)so niao(picky)so attitude-problemsall my frens around all gossipnxt time in societyshe wil have troublenrt any troublebut is no one wil respect hershe is so lousy in everythingtat is wat she saidu wat her lousiness is caused by?her attitudenow xam is around the cornershe should b studyin in classyifang tod me nrt onli yeeling said yifang is rong in teachin mathsyeeling oso stitches in math lessonshe oso say words in ppl mouthwat the heck is rong wif her attitudeif she continues lik tat disturbin pplppl wil go to IMHshe can b the mikebut worst den himmike tok jokesshe tok nonsensei tink she nid to go for counselingoin crazy out of her
writtern @3:25 PM
nth to do
sit here typing in front or com
nid to do a stupid project
the "traditional food of other food" for CME
wat a bore!!!
yeeling is juz so fan!
disturbin miie lik a parrot
tat chatter non-stop tat's her
she made miie angry cos sth ytd tat happened
i made blog(sell things) for 1 hr straight
i ask her opinion one word back
so angry lik a volcano, ready to explode
n now she smsed say i do vry gd
SO sarcastic
she tink i so lousy she go do la, so pro go do lo
dun even noe how to do say ppl
wats more is, she gt post i dun lik
cos nrt polite
den type out until very polite she asked why i delete her post
i so angry, tinkin tat
we r treatin customers nrt to ourselves
n oso she ask me to increase $$$, tat is higher dan we tot of originally
yeeling is another bore n chatterbox
writtern @4:06 PM